साहित्य / Literature

Articles | Literature | नेपाली साहित्य | English Literature | कुसुस्को राष्ट्रिय कविता प्रतियोगिता २०६६ | कुसुस्को राष्ट्रिय कविता प्रतियोगिता २०६५ | कुसुस्को राष्ट्रिय कविता प्रतियोगिता २०६७ |   

Mr.Kuldeep Sunuwar the most intelligent,

Mr.Kuldeep Sunuwar the most intelligent, honest and popular fellow among many. He is one with open heart and mind. His smiling manner and blood toil and sweet at U.N. as friendly officer. I am still touch every qualities.

By Basanta paudel (sumeena) on 2008-08-04 03:56:36

Sans Your Companionship, Helpless!

Far U gone In the land unknown Leaving Me blue And left me, helpless!

By Dinesh Shrestha on 2008-04-14 11:56:52

Recent Literature
सडक (प्रथम) by प्रदीप राजभन्डारी (काठमाडौ) on Dec 23 2010 Thursday
पागलहरू (द्घीतिय) by ताराप्रसाद गिरी (गुल्मी) on Dec 23 2010 Thursday
आगोको भोक (तृतीय) by राजेन्द्रप्रसाद पन्त/बैराकवी on Dec 23 2010 Thursday
अहम् (सान्त्वना) by श्यामकुमार भट्टराई on Dec 23 2010 Thursday
Photo Galleries

Scholarship Program 2068

Poem Competition 2066

Kul-dresess and others

Poem Competition 2065